' As tale as old as time, it was always a hurtful time - the dancing fire ablaze, a sin that one should pay. A race where I have been raised, is one of those disgrace. A cackle of sorrow, everything will change tomorrow. '
As time ticked, as the sun rose - the wind hugged a certain sorrowful fellow as it blew. A pair of emerald eyes, a skin glossed over the light, the nightmare in her eyes killed off its dazzling light. Everything stilled as her eyes chilled, rising up to a day where everything would still be the same.
The day passed by, and I stayed in a place where no one wanted to pass by. Fearing every single step she will hear, her life seems to be always on the line - mind is filled with fear. Gazing out the window with a sigh, a wish in her heart was made.
' Will there anyone who would believe? '
1, 2, 3 days passed by, a silhouette can be seen in the hide. Gazing at a cottage with curiosity in one's eyes - wondering why such a maiden was shunned by the light. She was a gentle being seeing the world with her dead stare. ' Eyes numbed to the feeling of hurt, it wasn't evil as what people have told. Bewitched by the beauty she holds? But she's too busy holding the tears, she refused to behold. '
A tinkle, tankle - her place is filled with the power of a healer. A wish to save the lives of people but was stared at them as evil. A hurt bubbled up in her heart that is already battered. A nudge on her hand made her look down, a little mouse friend was looking at her with a frown. A smile made up to her lips, her only friends were woodland creatures in this forest.
Dyed the world in fire as the sun set in the horizon, the man hid in the corner as he held in his breath to admire what they all called a monster. Her jingle like giggle as she smiled at her woodland creatures, it gave a tickly feeling to one's heart, especially to the man who was admiring from afar.
‘ How could one be a monster in disguise? She is the truest, purest being dyed in the most gruesome form of deceit one could ever find. ’
‘ Not everyone is the same, everyone has a difference, and it usually gives them pain. A devil spawn: they bestowed you that name, but you are just someone that got caught in the flame.
A sigh he blew as the sky slowly glowed in a blazing hue.
‘I wonder if I stepped out, would you also accept me regardless of what existence I came.. or will you fear me.. This is quite the pain. ’
A step he made, slowly... slowly... a gaze of curiosity he gave - the back of the fairy in his heart stiffened as she sensed an unfamiliar yet familiar steppings.
Slowly... Slowly.. She turned around, there, a man she had found. Frightened creatures have run as they both gazed at each other; ‘ Is this a dream or a reality... I want to hide and not bother. ’ The girl slowly closed her eyes and opened them now in a different light, indifference was glowing in those two orbs as she pursed her rosy petal lips, one can't help find it to be lovable.
Both were cautious with each other, a silence drifted in the air - both were silently judging each other. Realization dawned upon our main character, she gazed with surprise on the curious man, ‘ Is he not here to kill me, to end the devil spawn on this land? ’
Her tears slowly formed on the corners of her eyes as the man suddenly blurred in her stare. One slowly cried as the other panicked at the fall of water. He slowly cradled her to his arms, comforting her; an experience so knew, she didn't know what to do.
‘ He is not like the others I knew. ’
‘ She is not like the others people knew. ’