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Hurnan Rights


Written by Aliah Nicole Tejano

"D'rotti, D'rotti, D'rotti wanna hear something super weird I read from another one of Mæn's books?"

"Ooh. One of those conspiracy theory ones? or the really messy ones you can't really understand?"e of those conspiracy theory ones? or the really messy ones you can't really understand?"

"Mmm. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure. I guess it's a little bit of both? Anyways, you know how we're constantly discovering some new worlds all over the universe, right?"

"That has been happening a lot lately, yes."

"Well, apparently, there is this world called Hanch'alla. Super scary place. Few successful expeditions. Isolated location. Overrun by a chaotic species."

"Wait. Is this the one with the hurnans?"

"Yes, actually. You've heard of it?"

"Mæn might have mentioned a thing or two about it. Remember that phase of rhers where she was just obsessing over the craziest and most dangerous worlds?"

"Ohh! Yeah yeah yeah."

"Anyways, go on."

"Okay, hold on. Hanch'alla is a world governed through chains. These chains connect their citizens--"

"--Wait. Are these like invisible chains? or--"

"We can pretty much see them through our naked eyes, but get this. Apparently, that dominant species can't. They're totally unaware about the chains hanging from their limbs and stuff. Like the other species can see them pretty well."

"So, are they, like, born with it? or--"

"Oh, that's actually right here. The chains form upon contact with other inhabitants. And because of the chains, it can be hard to move around the premises. If movement is hindered, what more progress. Imagine their societies though!"

"Oh, so the chains are solid!"

"Which is the weirdest part. How they're unaware of something sooo solid."

"So anyways, disagreements often occur, right. Some people may want to go one way. Some may want to go to the others. No kidding. It was a mess. What made it all worse was that, most of the time, people would think they were right. So as it evolved through the decades, people started calling the direction they wanted to go to as rights. Super weird, right? How would you even know if it's the actual right or not? You know, the craziest part? They're still figuring out which one really is right. So they're just kinda pulling on each other a lot. So they're all just 'Where our rights end, others start. But when will I end? Where will they start?' Really confusing dramatic stuff, right."

"So they're subconsciously aware that there are some forces pulling on them?"

"Oh! Right right right. I forgot to mention that part around the middle. They also kind of have territorial markers on the chains that are constantly moving around to see where theirs end and when others start. Okay, for example, two individuals are connected to each other through these chains. When one of them starts doing the things they want and starts pulling in one , the other one's "territory" is shortened. This happens a lot, actually. They are always overstepping their boundaries. Pretty unfair for them to have an unequal chain length, right? The ones with longer chains would have more freedom in movement."


"I know right. But to them, this is all some subconscious feeling, right. They have no direct control over the territorial indicators. Sometimes, they set up rules to control the moving around, but, most of the time, the hurnans just don't notice or just choose to do nothing about it."


It should be noted that the documentation of this conversation was translated for hurnan convenience.


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